A View from the Top – Career Advice


Hallie Crawford, founder of HallieCrawford.com offers excellent career advice to American workers in this recent article regarding career trends.

Developing Leadership Skills

“You can be a workplace leader without having a title. Tasks like mentoring, sharing celebrations with employees, giving back to the community and not blowing your own horn are traits that make for good leaders in any profession.” — Cheri Swales, Monster.com

Survey finds fewer aiming for top management roles.

Is climbing the corporate ladder a goal for most workers? A new survey shows the answer is a “resounding “no.”

Most American workers are not aiming for the corner office according to a new CareerBuilder survey about leadership in the workplace. About one-third (34 percent) of workers aspire to leadership positions, with only 7 percent aiming for senior or C-level management.

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