Utilizing your networking connections pays off!

I am very excited that my career coaching client, Justin, recently landed a job interview. He has a background in financial services, moved to Atlanta over a year ago from Boston to get a fresh start on his life and career. He’s looking to transition into a completely new industry, lobbying, politics and public relations. This interview was for a position in that field. Because this is a new field for him, it’s especially exciting that he got the job interview. He landed this interview through a networking contact.

Quick tip: Justin’s contact suggested that he should apply for this job. He did so and immediately let his networking connection know he had applied, so that person could call them and give them a heads up that he recommended Justin personally. Then, once Justin had not heard back from them about his application, he notified his contact. Then his networking contact made another call to check in on it for Justin. The interview was scheduled 2 days later.

Time and time again I learn that it really is about who you know. Part of this is you need to leverage your networking connections and keep them posted on your progress. Don’t just apply for the job and let it go. Ask them for additional help as needed. It can go a long way!

Hallie Crawford
Atlanta Career Coach

P.S. If you would like more help with your job search and networking, be sure to check out our Free Resources Page today!