Want to get clear on your direction in 2007? You are far more likely to succeed at personal goal planning when you are “aligned with your purpose and personal mission statement.”

We all have areas of our life where we feel “stuck.” We want to make a change, but for whatever reasons we’re like a music CD on repeat mode, playing the same song over and over. Once you define your purpose, you’ll be able to break out of those repetitive cycles and begin to lead a more fulfilling life (instead of letting your life “lead you”).

Click here for info and to sign up for the
Unlocking Your Purpose Teleclass!

Class Dates: January 24 & 31, February 7, 14, 21 and 28

“A year later, I’m still making changes. I know taking the coaching class with you has changed my life… The best thing was the clarity I felt and the intense motivation to pursue my goals. I now know that change is possible…The class made me feel like I am capable of anything…”

Join me to make 2007 the year you claim your life and create your own path, Hallie