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Unemployed and holding out for your dream job?

With such high unemployment and competitive job market, does it make sense to turn down job offers? Some people might think it’s crazy that someone might turn down an offer – but holding out for a better job, in some instances might actually make sense.

In a Pittsburg Tribune Review article by Margaret Harding, Unemployed workers find job offers but don’t always take them, she gives this information that might surprise many people:

About 17 percent of unemployed workers have received at least one full- or part-time job offer, and almost all of those workers — 92 percent — turned down such an offer, according to a recent survey by Personified, a division of The reason most often cited — low pay.

I agree with the author that in some instances it’s okay to be picker, especially if you haven’t been unemployed very long. But as time goes on you may need to rethink your opportunities. The market is competitive and sometimes a job that isn’t ideal is better in the short-term while you continue to look for a long-term more permanent job.

Unfortunately many jobs out there right now are very low-pay. If you have a child that needs to go to daycare, sometimes the cost of working outside the home and sending the child to daycare doesn’t make sense. One of my group coaching clients told us about her brother who recently just got laid off. They have a baby who is 6 months old. With unemployment he’ll get $400 a week. Most of the jobs he has found will make him approximately $500 a week. With the cost of daycare, he’d be better off turning those jobs down for the time being.

Sometimes it can be better to hold out for something better – higher pay, more aligned with what you are looking for, etc. But remember having a large gap in your resume can also affect your possibility of getting a job. Also it’s important to note that your dream job is not going to just land in your lap. You need to be networking and actively searching for it. Get clear on what you want, set goals and make it happen.

If you need help with your job search, contact us for a job search strategy session.

Here’s to having a career you love!

Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach