Three Steps to Find Career Fulfillment

career fulfillment

career fulfillmentEvery human being wants to feel fulfillment in life, and since a career is a big part of our lives in today’s society, it is important to find something that fulfills you. If you are looking for your ideal career, or even if you already have a job where you feel content, it is important to take the time to analyze the following tips to see how you can make sure you are always finding ways to feel fulfilled.

  • Define Fulfillment. We talk about fulfillment a lot, but what does it mean for your career? This is essentially your passion, your sense of meaning. This goes beyond your priorities or ethics. This is what gives you a sense of accomplishment. This is important to discover because it leads to a happier life, more success, and greater life balance. To define what fulfillment is to you, you must define your values.  Think about a peak experience in life, and write down what about it made you feel happy and successful. Also write down what irritates you and what would be the contrast of that quality or situation. Think about things that are essential to your life, and jot those down as well.

Action tip: Life changes can cause you to change your values, so make sure to reevaluate your values regularly. Think about how you can better honor your values at work this week, and put your plan to action!

  • Identify talents and skills. Talents are different from skills. A talent is something that comes naturally, or something inherited. A skill is something that can be learned easily. It is important to define your talents and skills because utilizing them is related to fulfillment. Think about your current career: does it require a talent that you don’t have or skills that can be learned? And are these talents and skills things that you enjoy doing? If you want to implement new skills at your job, consider changing roles at your company. Or taking on a part-time job in a new industry to gain experience.

Action tip: To identify your talents and skills, review your resume. What things stand out in your resume? Ask a trusted friend or family member what they would say your talents and skills are. You can also try a skills assessment online. All this will give you greater insight into what you are good at naturally.

  • Execute and implement changes. Any change has an element of risk, but the key is to minimize the risk involved. It is important to accept this and prepare yourself for it mentally. For example, if you are looking to re-enter the workforce, review your resume with someone else to identify your transferable skills. Review LinkedIn profiles to get a feel of what you need to sell yourself long term in your industry.

Action tip: Identify what your goals are and consider practical ways to implement them. Create a plan and stick to it.

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