I was thinking about the value of coaching the other day. What exactly is it that I provide to my clients? What do they get out of the process? Sometimes it’s hard to explain it, because so often the results are intangible and therefore difficult to measure. However I know, and my clients know, what the results are. They can feel them and they experience them on a daily basis. We see the results when we are celebrating something they achieved or learned, acknowledging when they stepped out of their comfort zone and grew as a person, and discovering how they can overcome the obstacles in their way. When I call them forward and ask them to be their best self, to do their best, and they respond with a resounding “YES!” is when I am most aware of how incredibly powerful and helpful a coaching relationship can be. I’m reminded of the testimonials I’ve received from clients over the years and the impact our work together has had on their lives and career. I am so fulfilled by this work and by co-creating these relationships with people and being a part of their success stories.

This is what I want for everyone, to be this fulfilled by their work. You can read my client testimonials on my web site at www.HallieCrawford.com. Contact me if you want some of this–and if you want to determine what you want to do and find a career you are passionate about! Contact Hallie