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Super Common Resume Mistakes to Avoid (Part 2)

resume mistakes

resume mistakesHallie was honored to be featured in a recent article about how to avoid common mistakes on your resume. As a follow up to this article, we wanted to share some additional tips with you.

  • Keep it simple. Stick to a clean, basic format that is easy to read. Your potential employer isn’t looking for the prettiest resume design, they are looking to see if you are qualified for the job. Make sure it’s easy to scan and for them to identify why you are qualified-that the most important things you want them to notice are at the top and in bold.
  • Write in the first person implied. If you have “I” or “me” in your document, it is incorrect.
  • Each sentence should start with an action verb.  
  • Use capitalization of words properly. Be selective how you use it to emphasize information. Note: Exceptions to the rule include titles, company names, and section headings.
  • Use punctuation correctly. If you are not sure if you should use an apostrophe or not, take the extra time to look up punctuation rules.


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