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Six Steps to Landing Your First Teaching Job

I was recently interviewed for a great article for titled “Six Steps to Landing Your First Teaching Job”. Read the entire article here.

…Starting each day with a job hunt schedule is the best way to “get focused and stay productive,” says Hallie Crawford, a career coach based in Atlanta. Make a list of things you want to accomplish each day, whether it involves networking, adding to your portfolio, or submitting applications.

Network aggressively with friends and acquaintances—a kind word from a colleague to a school administrator may open doors.

Spread the word about your job search to your Facebook and Ning friends, and look for job feeds on Twitter. The Kansas Educational Employment Board, for example, uses Twitter to send job announcements. CareerBuilder also has several regional Twitter feeds…

Contact us if you are interested in more helping finding a job that's right for you!

Here’s to having a career you love,

Hallie Crawford

Certified Career Coach