Resume writing tip – Don’t get too personal

Our career coaching clients often ask us about having a personal brand and not being too personal. I thought this article spoke to that well, How to tweet, blog and network your way to a new job.

BE PERSONAL, BUT NOT TOO PERSONAL – I Really liked this section in the article. It’s much better to be personal on social media than on your resume. This doesn’t mean you can’t have information on your resume. You may choose to include it on your resume if it gives you more depth as a candidate, or if it’s related to your industry. You can list personal activities that are either for a good social cause, or relevant to your industry. You can have a list under a heading such as ‘Achievements’ and ‘Associations’ or ‘Relatable Interests’. If appropriate, this can show that you are well rounded.

Give people a sense of who you are as a person, without being too personal – and make sure it’s somewhat related to your career path. It should show that you are motivated, disciplined, or related to your industry. You can be too personal online as well – read the article for some more tips.

If you’d like more help with your career path, please contact us today for a complimentary consultation.

Hallie Crawford
Job Search Coach

P.S. Are you frustrated with your job search? Check out our FREE REPORT: ”Take Control of Your Career Transition: Uncover Hidden Opportunities”.