Resume Advice: What’s in a Summary?


Here’s some resume advice to make your resume standout from the rest!

resume-adviceHave you ever read the summary on the back of a book to determine it’s worth? Of course! Many have! It is there to spark and capture your attention with a gripping snapshot of the contents inside. Likewise, you want to make an impression on your potential employer. One that entices them to read on, gives them a quick snapshot of the contents, sets the theme, and hopefully convinces them that their search is potentially nearing its end.

What do you write in your resume summary? Here are some pointers:

  • Indicate the approximate number of years you bring (however be careful it’s not too much so you are not dated)
  • If applicable mention the type of industry you specialize in, especially if this is the industry you want to stay with
  • Your current position helps give the reader some background on the type and level of position you are seeking
  • Definitely mention the skills and expertise you offer – make sure they all respond to the needs of the role to better target your resume to the position
  • Including some measurables can never hurt
  • Sentences should start with active verbs to provide more impact
  • Your summary should be written in the first case implied, so no “I”s should be included
  • Try not to be too lengthy, remember you have less than 5 seconds to make an impact, so short, sweet, and to the point is best
  • Your summary should set the theme for your resume with the rest of your resume being a validation of this theme and the benefits you offer

Thank you to one of our resume experts, Jasmine Marchong, for this article and the resume advice.


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