Marketing Yourself with a Resume

Happy Monday!! Today we’re looking at how you can market yourself with your resume.

To create the perfect resume you need a good balance. Your resume should follow one of the standard formats that employers have come to expect, yet you should also learn how to best market and highlight your skills.

Start to think of your career resume as your personal selling tool. Just like any other piece of written communication, your sole purpose in creating it is to persuade the reader that you're perfect person for the job.

As a career coach, I've come across many resumes over the years. Interestingly, many people leave off the "self-promotional" aspect of resume creation, instead preferring to list out the titles they held at each job in their career history, and describing the tasks they performed while working at those jobs.

It's fine to let your potential employer know the responsibilities that have been entrusted to you, but don't leave it at that. You've got to let them know exactly why you are a better choice than the next job candidate who comes along. That means offering tangible evidence of your value.

Next time you think of something positive to include on your list of career accomplishments, figure out a way to position your statement about that accomplishment so that it appeals to the reader from a standpoint of need.

Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach