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The MAPP Career Assessment is an extremely effective, easy to use career assessment that takes 20 minutes to complete online.

MAPP identifies your natural talents and abilities, your motivations, the careers you'd be most likely to succeed in and much more. If you are trying to find out which jobs are the best fit for you, this assessment will help you get the answer.

I use with my individual clients, especially for those of you who are struggling with career ideas.

The assessment will help you:

• Identify your natural talents and abilities
• Pinpoint what work environment is the best fit for you
• Clarify your motivations for work and likelihood for success in specific industries
• Define the top 10 vocational areas that are the best fit for you
• Find career fulfillment

More than 96% of the over four million people who have taken this career assessment agree with the results and will use the results to guide their career.

Read more about what is included in your MAPP Career Assessment Package here:

Happy Halloween! Have a great weekend!

Hallie Crawford
Career Transition Coach