Leadership Skills You Never Knew You Needed (Part 2)


new-biz-leadership-05Hallie was honored to be featured in a recent Glamour article about leadership skills that are important for all business professionals. As a follow-up to this article, we wanted to share some additional tips with you.

Even if you aren’t in a leadership position, leadership skillshelp professionals at any level be more successful in their job. They include “soft skills” like emotional intelligence and the ability to work in and lead a team when needed. Skills like these can come in handy in many professional situations.

Here are two leadership skills that can help you at work:

  • Show appreciation for others. Find ways to show your employees or coworkers that you appreciate them. This contributes to a more positive office culture.
  • Be teachable. It’s important to be available to teach others, but be willing to learn as well. A successful leader needs to be open to new ideas and ready to change directions quickly. Even if you aren’t a leader, this will make you a more valued employee and you will be more versatile in your position.