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Job Transitions: When Does “We” Mean Us? Part 2

job transitions

job transitionsHallie was honored to be featured in a recent HigherEd Jobs article about how to handle a job change and how to start adjusting to your new environment and using “we” relate to your new position and new co-workers. As a follow up to this article, we wanted to share some additional tips with you on job transitions.

When starting a new job, there are many factors that can contribute to feeling comfortable. The transition process is a little different for everyone. For example, it may take longer for someone who was forced to change jobs to transition than someone who decided to make the change. It could also be more difficult for someone who is transitioning into a totally different career path than someone who has accepted the same position they previously had at a different company. However, in all of these situations, a lot has to do with our attitude.

  • Make an effort. Try to adjust your vocabulary from day one. Try to include yourself in your new job culture, by trying to say “we” when referring to your new employer. This doesn’t mean you can never say “we” when referring to your old employer, because saying things like “we did this at my old firm” is true.
  • Get to know your new co workers. Saying “we” isn’t quite enough. It’s partly on you to try and create a feeling of we at your new job. Reach out to your co workers by offering to collaborate on projects, or ask them to collaborate with you. Invite a few for a coffee at break.
  • Share information sparingly. Sometimes we have a tendency to always talk about how we did things at our old job. It’s the most familiar, and we have more experience at the old position. However, don’t share how you used to do things every chance you get. Save it until you feel it could really benefit your team or your clients. Without sharing anything that was confidential, of course.

Are you looking for more Career Advice? Watch these helpful videos Hallie has created by clicking here.

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