I was talking to my career coaching client, Margaret, about celebrating her successes, even the small ones, in her job search. She identified three new things she wanted to have in a dream job.
I don’t know about you, but I’m the type of person who has a success and moves on to the next goal way too quickly. I think this is part of why I’m a successful business owner, but I know this is a double edged sword. It gets me into trouble as well!! I’m trying to learn to celebrate those small wins along the way. I’m enjoying the journey, because I know that feeling positive and optimistic will help me continue to succeed long term. When I’m upbeat and positive I think more clearly and more creatively.
Come up with a new simple habit for yourself to help you celebrate your wins, however small or large they are. It doesn’t matter! Treat yourself to frozen yogurt, go to a movie, just do something you enjoy to really acknowledge and appreciate that win.
If you’d like further help in your career search, contact us for a complimentary consultation today.
Hallie Crawford
Job Search Coach
P.S. Are you frustrated with your job search? Check out our FREE REPORT: “Take Control of Your Career Transition: Uncover Hidden Opportunities”.