It’s time to leap out of your dead-end job!

I was thrilled to receive this email from Callie, a career coaching client I worked with a few months ago. She has a new job! Even in this bad economy, I still hear about people and clients who are finding jobs, and getting hired. There are many success stories out there!

I had such a great experience with you, and now recommend everyone see a career coach. In fact, I’ve been meaning to tell you that I am starting a new job next week at a Wedding magazine! Writing/editing/creating story board/interacting with vendors/attending showcases and photo-shoots galore! It is a fantastic opportuinty and a BIG step in the right directions. I coudn’t be happier!

Thanks again for all of your help. I would never have been able to made the leap out of my dead-end position without your guidance and encouragement! (and you can put THAT on the website — lol) 


Notice what Callie says in this letter about her dead end job. Have you ever said that to yourself about your current position? If so, that’s a big red flag that you’re career is not the right fit for you. Take some time to think about what you need to do to begin your career transition. If you’re feeling like your job is at a dead end, you need to move on, and as quickly as possible.

If you would like further help with your career transition, contact us today to set up a complimentary consultation.

Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach