Inspirational Thought: Celebrate What You Have Accomplished

I find that for many of us when we accomplish something we typically take just the briefest moment to relish in it before quickly moving on to the next thing. While I believe forward movement and growth is important (it is one of my values), I also like to remind myself and my clients to consider where they’ve been, what they’ve accomplished and really celebrate what they’ve achieved so far this year.

What have you accomplished?

The holiday season can be stressful for many of us because we’re got a lot going on….holiday parties, shopping, and trying to meet our 2007 goals. And at the same time, we’re focusing on planning 2008.

In our society, we are always going going going, and the pace seems to be picking up with each passing year.

As we close in on 2007, take some time and truly savor your successes for this year! As you’re giving thanks this holiday season, I suggest you resist the temptation to rush through your “Holiday To Do List” and be sure to take some time to really celebrate what you have accomplished this year and the good things that are going on in your life.

This month as part of giving thanks, when you find yourself dwelling on, or stressing about, future tasks and projects, consciously bring your focus back to the present, breathe and enjoy the moment.

Have a great week!

Happy Monday!

Hallie Crawford
Career Coach
Helping you find your life purpose