Inspirational Quote: You learn as much from your failure as your success

Happy Monday!

I wanted to share a favorite inspirational quote with you today:

“I learned from [my mother] that…you learn as much from your failure as your success. You’ve got one chance in life. This is it. It’s not a prelude.”
~Cecile Richards

This also reminds me of something I heard in a movie once…it goes along these lines:

You keep trying to understand why none of your dreams came true, and why you went off your path and your life plan. But the reason is you. YOU need to do something. This is your life and you only get once shot at it. Make something happen. Nothing will happen until you decide! Stop standing on the sidelines waiting for it to come to you – you have to go and get it. Your life is now!

Take some quality time this week to think about this quote and this thought and what it means to you. What are you going to do to make the most out of your one chance in life?

Have a great week!

Hallie Crawford
Career Seekers Coach

P.S. Join us for the Identifying Your Dream Purpose Coaching Group beginning May 14th. Learn more here: