Idea: Brazen Careerist – Myths we hold about workplace stress

I subscribe to the feed of this blog, Brazen Careerist, and liked this post about workplace stress–debunking some of the myths about stress and how to better handle it as well. The thing she said that resonated the most for me is this:

“Here’s why decreasing stress matters to me: People who are less stressed exude more confidence than people who are more stressed. I do everything in my life better when I am feeling more self-confident, and I bet you do, too.”

I’m sure you can relate to this. I feel more confident when I’m less stressed and have the same perception of others when they are calm, cool and collected. When someone is calm, balanced and centered, I think-hey they’ve got their act together!

Click here to read the complete post by Penelope Trunk. Enjoy, Hallie Career Counseling Hallie Crawford