How to stay connected in your job search

I recently had the pleasure to present my book, Flying Solo: Career Transition Tips for Singles, at an event for Georgia career professionals. I really enjoyed the opportunity and all the fantastic people I met there. The other presenters had wonderful material, and all of them agreed that is a powerful, tool for your job search. One presenter was a recruiter who uses all the time to help find qualified candidates. He spends several hours a day on looking for potential employees and at the time, he had 30 open positions. These are encouraging numbers given the job stats we are hearing lately.

My career coaching client Andrea is starting her own business and one of the first things she did is update her profile to reflect her new business and services as a resume writer. Within two days she had a new client! Remember the key with LinkedIn is to make sure your profile contains keywords relevant to your industry and that would be searched by a recruiter or prospective employer. That is how Andrea’s client found her, using a keyword phrase like “resume writing in Atlanta.” I can’t say it enough, get on guys, you need to be a player in that space to conduct an effective job search.

Hallie Crawford
Job Search Coach