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How to give interviewers a reason to choose you

Do you want to make sure you make a good impression at your next job interviewHere are some tips to make sure you’re an outstanding candidate:

  • At the beginning and the end of the interview give the interviewer a firm handshake while looking him or her directly in the eye. Say something to put the interviewer at ease such as “I’m pleased to meet you.  Your company must really be busy since the phones are ringing constantly in the receptionist’s area.”

Rationale:  First impressions are lasting ones and the interviewer isn’t expecting you to put him or her at ease and will be pleasantly surprised at the first impression you make.

  •  When asked if you have any questions, ask at least one question which shows interest in the company instead of your own benefits.  An example is, “How do you see the company progressing in the next five years?”

Rationale:  Interviewers appreciate it if you are as interested in the company as you are in the job for which you’re applying.

  • Ask for the business card of everyone who interviews you, and show your business letter writing skills by promptly word processing and mailing individualized letters thanking interviewers for their time.

Rationale:  A thank you letter is not only an opportunity to show gratitude for the interviewer’s time and information during your interview, but it’s also an opportunity to show off your business letter writing skills, and an opportunity to put your name in front of the interview again.  Don’t miss this valuable opportunity.

  • At the end of the interview, look the interviewer directly in the eye and while shaking his or her hand, say something memorable such as, “I hope you’ll consider me your most enthusiastic candidate.”

Rationale:  You want the interviewer to remember you, so make sure your last impression is as good as your first one.

Somebody is going to receive a job offer  with these tips, let’s hope that person is you!

Hallie Crawford
Career Coach

P.S. How do you know if your resume is good? Take this Resume Quiz to find out how to keep your resume out of the trash can.