Hallie Recommends: “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

This is a short book that can be dense at times but really helps you learn to live in the moment, listen to your intuition and as a result, be more engaged and present in your life. I find the more I do this, the smoother things are for me. I experience more ‘flow’ because I am listening to and getting answers from my intuition. I am also doing each task well instead of just trying to get it done!! One of my clients mentions it in my client success stories as well. (You can read my Client Success Stories here.) “The Power of Now” is available at any bookstore or on http://www.amazon.com.

Check out his website as well for more information on his speaking engagements. I’ve heard he’s an interesting and inspiring speaker.

I hope this is helpful! Hallie www.HallieCrawford.com