Hallie Recommends: Reflect My Life Clothing

A friend and former client sent this website to me just before the holidays. It’s clothing you can customize to reflect your affirmation or belief you’re working on for yourself. Here’s their blurb and website, it’s so cool!

“Transformational clothing changes the way you think and feel. Every time you see yourself in a mirror or reflective surface, you will be reminded of your empowering affirmation. To get results you love, you must begin with thoughts you love. Reflect clothing sends a specific message to your subconscious mind. The first step is to read the affirmation. You then have to BELIEVE the affirmation and FEEL the affirmation as though it exists. With repetition throughout the day, the idea will begin to take root and once this occurs…prepare yourself for some amazing results.”

Have a great weekend!

Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach