Hallie Recommends: Law of Attraction by Michael Losier

I was introduced to the Law of Attraction a few years ago by my coach at the time. I’ve started to use its principles with my clients and in my own life with great success so far. It’s very interesting… I think this is the best book to introduce you to its principles if you are just getting started and want to see what it’s all about. Here’s an excerpt from his web site that gives you an idea: “For Everyone Who Wants More Abundance, More Business, and More Ideal Relationships In Their Lives, And Ask Themselves…’Why Do Some People Almost Always Attract Exactly What They Want Into Their Lives?’” Check it out, I recommend it. It’s a quick read with easy to understand worksheets to help you get started. I like it when things are clearly spelled out and easy to grasp! Good luck, Hallie www.HallieCrawford.com