Hallie Recommends: Georgia Coach Association February program

I am on the board of the Georgia Coach Association this year. We have some great programs lined up. If you’re in or around Atlanta, I hope you’ll check this out…

What’s Your Bigger Game for 2007?
Come to our February Meeting and Find Out!

In January, 230 members and guests were inspired by Rick Tamlyn’s ‘Bigger Game’ change and leadership model. Come to the February 17th meeting, and discover how to implement this Model in your life and business right now.

After a quick, fast-track review of the Model itself (great for those who missed the January meeting), you’ll engage with top-notch table moderators so you can:

  • Deepen your learning about how to use the Model in your life, and your work
  • Discover ways to get yourself and your clients un-stuck
  • Gain command of this innovative Coaching Tool
  • Leave with Action Steps to move your Bigger Game forward.


Date and Time
February 17, 2007
9:00 am – 12:00 noon

Hilton Suites Perimeter
6120 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd. (just north of the intersection at Peachtree Dunwoody and Hammond Dr.)
Atlanta, GA 30328

GCA Member fee: Free
Guest Fee: $20

Enhance your coaching education, network with other coaches and professionals, receive CEU’s, and much more.

Look forward to seeing you there!

GCA Program Committee
Georgia Coach Association

Atlanta Coach Hallie Crawford