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My new Baby Vaughn is doing well at 7 weeks. On the one hand, I can’t believe how time has flown. On the other hand, with those lovely 3 am feedings, it feels like he’s been here for months! Can you say sleep deprivation?!! It’s definitely an adjustment and a joy at the same time.

We had our first family pictures made last weekend. Such fun. When I watched the slide show, it brought tears to my eyes.

My biggest learning so far is to be flexible. I’ve always been the kind of person who likes to plan and know what’s coming next. With a baby you almost never know what’s around the bend. So my new mantra is “be ok with not knowing.” I’m learning to be willing and able to change my plans at a moment’s notice. The personal aspect of myself I want to develop in 2008 is my ability to be flexible and to learn to be ok with not knowing what’s around the bend – to enjoy the ride. How about you, what personal goals do you have for 2008?

Have a great week and a Happy Monday!

Career Coaching

P.S. The Career Seekers Teleclass starts on Feb 12th. Seats are limited. Register early here