If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you know that “health” is one of my values. My health and the health of the environment is one of my number one priorities. I haven’t posted in a while about the environment. This incredibly warm winter has reminded me to do so. It is almost 70 degrees today in Atlanta! When I opened the windows this morning I couldn’t believe it.

Although I strongly prefer warm weather, with the concerns about global warming this warm winter can be a bit unsettling. It doesn’t seem like winter. Every day I’m thinking I need to put on a sweater, and I don’t need it.

Regardless of how strongly you feel about global warming, we all have to admit we are having an impact on the environment and have to do something about it. I have yet to discard my Christmas tree, we’re hangin’ on to the holidays…but I plan to recycle it and I encourage you to do so as well, if yours is still around :). Earth911 allows you to search for programs in your area.

And for the new year, make a commitment to go green as much as you can. Every little bit does help, and when we all think that way we can make a difference. Here are some other resources from the Ideal Bite newsletter I receive.

If your local energy company offers green energy, switch today. If not, demand it. Check the blog for a sample letter.

  • Green Power Locator – find out if green power’s available in your area.
  • Power Profiler – this EPA tool helps you measure your impact.
  • Ideal Bite’s Green Tags Tip – offset the rest of your CO2.

I hope this is helpful! Atlanta Career Coach Hallie Crawford