Get on your career path to success!

In a recent career coaching group this week, my client Allison was talking about the Ideal Day visualization. I have career coaching clients do this exercise to help them identify their ideal career. I have also included this exercise in our Identify Your Ideal Career Path Home Study Program. Alison said that she really loved the exercise, and I was thrilled to hear that she got a brand new career idea from doing this.

Here’s the deal: This visualization helps you become completely relaxed and enables you to think creatively about your career ideas.

Here’s a suggestion for you: Take a moment to visualize your ideal day at work.

If you could create it from scratch, what would you be doing? What would it look like? If it helps, go ahead and try writing your ideas down instead of just visualizing, sometimes that works better for some people. You can also look for tangible clues in your current life instead of making things up from scratch. Another one of my career coaching clients, Tricia, did this and it was much easier for her to gather tangible examples from her current job and what she observed in other people’s jobs.

Think outside the box, and dream big. You can always compromise later. Go to town  on this exercise – good luck!

Hallie Crawford
Career Coach

P.S. Are you frustrated in your career? Find out if you are on the right track with our free Ideal Career Quiz!