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Food for Thought This Week – Staying in the flow and ignite your intuition

This week is about Igniting Your Intuition.

Spring is here! (Sort of, it’s cold here too in Atlanta.) Be sure to stop and smell the roses.

I came home from my ski vacation last month so refreshed and relaxed that everything just flowed in my life – at least for a couple of days. Then I got caught up in the rush again. You know how it feels – you rush to leave for vacation and then when you get back, you rush to catch up. Sometimes it feels like we need a vacation after our vacation!

I’ve found that when I get caught up in the daily busy-ness of life, I tend to stop listening to that inner voice that guides and helps me make good decisions … my intuition. So I’ve been thinking of ways to maintain that sense of relaxation I felt when I first returned home.

One way is to consciously maintain a slower pace and keep my to-do list short. Another way is to make sure I get out of the office to do the things I love — like horseback riding.

What can you do differently next time you return from vacation to maintain that relaxed, in-the-flow feeling?

Career Coach Hallie Crawford