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Food for Thought – Are you tired of hearing about resolutions?

This time of year you are probably hearing the same old thing – set your resolutions for this year. What are you going to change? What are you going to different in the New Year?

Are these messages getting old? Are you tired of hearing them from every which way?

Your answer might be yes, but the most important question is have you taken action yet?

It is now almost 1 week since the first day of 2008. My tip to you and food for thought this week is to listen to all those "annoying" messages and take action. Here are some things you can do/think about:

  • Set some goals for you this year. Make sure that they are attainable for you, otherwise you won’t keep them.
  • Look at what you want to do differently in 2008 regarding your health — maybe eat less; workout more??
  • How will you balance work and your life?
  • How do you want to improve your career…or are you ready to transition into a new one?
  • Paint a picture of your ideal life – what can you do to reach that? What do you need to do differently to move you in the right direction?

There is nothing wrong with taking time in the New Year to make some changes – don’t just sit back and get annoyed with all the New Year’s messages…LISTEN!

Have a great week and a Happy Monday!

Career Planning Coach