Don’t Miss Our Cyber Thanksgiving Sale!

black-friday-bow-box-264771 is celebrating Black Friday all week long! From November 21-27, our Identify Your Ideal Career Workbook is 50%! Our sale includes both the e-version and hardcopy version of our workbook, so get the one that works best for you, and get one for a friend!

Use the code CYBERSAVINGS during checkout!

While you wait for your copy of your workbook to arrive in your inbox or at your front door, we would like to help get you started with identifying your ideal career. Here are our top five tips that we share with our clients.

  1. Dream first and dream big. To identify your ideal career, you need to dream BIG. Hold practicality at bay for a moment. If you get practical too soon you can cut yourself off at knees with brainstorming. If you allow yourself to dream, you may come across a career idea you never considered or even knew about! So tap into your childhood dreams, tap into your passions and your heart. Think out of the box; be creative. What is something you’d love to do? Write down everything that comes to mind.
  2. Be committed. To make any large change in your life, such as a career change, you have to be committed. Your level of commitment can make or break whether you’re successful. Ask any professional athlete, business owner or successful entrepreneur and they will tell you that commitment is key. Being truly committed will you allow you to invest the time and energy necessary for a successful career transition.
  3. Define success your way. Don’t stay in a job you dislike just because friends or family think it’s a great job or because you don’t want to admit you made a mistake. Define success your way and find a job that is truly a good fit for you. The traditional definition of success is financial stability, good salary, and benefits. There is nothing wrong with that definition. However, if you are truly unhappy with your job, those things are not good enough! Think about and write down what success means to you.
  4. Look at the big picture. Many people choose a career based on past experience, maybe their natural talents and salary. They think, “Well, I’m good at this and it pays well so I’ll try it.” You have to consider much more than just experience and salary in order to identify your ideal career. Two other examples of things you need to consider are fulfillment and meaning. What would you enjoy doing in an ideal job and what fulfills you? This is all part of looking at the big picture.
  5. Identify your strengths. It is a fact that when people use their natural abilities at work, their job is more fulfilling to them. When people aren’t using their natural talents regularly, their jobs are not rewarding. Make a list of the things you do that come naturally to you, the things that make you unique. For example, are you able to plan events without any effort, do you just naturally organize and coordinate projects, or are you a natural leader?

Looking for more help? Contact us for a complimentary consultation: