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Don’t let the holidays get the best of you

Tis the season to reflect, celebrate and give thanks

Fall is here and with it Thanksgiving for those of you in the states. It’s the time of year when we give thanks for what we are grateful for in our lives and celebrate what we’ve accomplished. If you’re like me, when you achieve a goal you take brief moment to relish in it before quickly moving on to the next goal, or issue that needs to be fixed. While looking forward is important, it is equally important to consider where you’ve been.

When you’re giving thanks this year take some quality time savor the good things in your life. It doesn’t have to be extravagant to be special. Go out for a nice dinner, have a glass of wine, do something special you normally don’t do. Set aside time to make it meaningful. Decide specifically how and what you want to celebrate. Resist the temptation to rush through your "Holiday To Do List" and be sure to carve out time to celebrate and give thanks.

Don’t let the holidays get the best of you. Check out my "Work/Life Balance Audio and Worksheets" to help you manage the holiday rush:

Taken from an actual client call, this 50 minute audio and bonus worksheets offer easy to implement action steps that will leave you feeling relaxed and more in control of both your personal and work life.

Click here to prep for the holidays and get your life into balance today- Only $20!

MP3 audio file and PDF worksheets. Audio will automatically play on
your computer, or you can download it to your iPod.)

What others say about Hallie’s coaching…

Hallie knows how to get
me motivated. I now know how to better identify, set, and attain my
goals as well as overcome obstacles that get in my way. Hallie has
really changed my approach to my career… and my life!
Kate Burruss, Atlanta, GA

Don’t let the holidays get the best of you

Hallie Crawford
Career Coach