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Happy Monday! I hope you had a very Happy Halloween!

Today’s tip is one that people often forget about OR put the least amount of time and attention towards.

That is networking! Have you ever heard the saying it’s not what you know but who you know? While this of course isn’t the only way to get a job, it can help. If you are looking for a job, networking is still the best way to get one.

Here are three quick networking tips:

• Spread the word that you are in job search mode – friends, family, former co-workers – even professors. You never know who might know someone in the field you’re interested in. Keep your resume updated and your business card handy if you have one, so that when an opportunity arises you can easily pass this information along.

• Attend career fairs and in-person networking events – make sure your resume is up to date and professional and dress appropriately (remember first impressions count).

• Join online networking groups like LinkedIn and Twitter – I recommend being smart about what you post online – potential employers are turning to the internet and social networking sites to find out more about their candidates.

If you need help with your job search, contact us for a job search strategy session.

Here’s to having a career you love!

Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach