Don’t forget the job search basics

Here is a great Huffington Post article that I wanted to share, Getting Organized: The Key to a Successful Job Search. Job seekers often obsess about their resume and cover letter. You have to pay attention to these things, but even if you have the best resume ever, it doesn’t matter if you’re not timely and efficient when you send it out.

I recently spoke to my career coaching client, Justin, and it reminded me again of how important it is to remain organized in your job search. He and I talked about creating a job search spreadsheet which he hadn’t yet done it. As a result, he was overwhelmed in his job search because he had gotten lost in who he was supposed to follow up with and when.

Don’t forget the basics for your job search. Sit down and get organized if you haven’t already, and then be sure to stay organized! Don’t let your career transition  fall by the wayside.

If you’d like help with your resume or cover letter, contact us today!

Hallie Crawford
Atlanta Career Coach

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