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Defining Your Life and Career Purpose

Happy Monday and St. Patty’s Day :)

Moving forward with your personal and career goals can be tough if you’re unsure what you really want…

Are you completely lost about what you want to do in your career?

Are there so many career ideas in your head that you can’t choose just one?

Do you have areas of your life where you feel "stuck"?

Many times the reason you can’t move forward in your personal and career goals is because you aren’t clear about what you really want. If you need help defining your life and career direction, then this is the perfect place to start.

Find out how you can live your life with greater passion and purpose,
narrow your career interests to the one that truly excites you, and find your direction!

Go here to learn more about my Identifying Your Purpose Coaching Group. Kicks off on May 7th!

Have a great week!
Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach