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Defining Your Accomplishments?


Anyone who’s done any research into resumes are advised over and over again to have a results-based resume. Why? Because results help define the level of your skills, whereas words are just that…words. How successful you have done something or stating that you completed a project does not give the reader any idea into how well you accomplished those and the input you provided to ensure completion. I know it’s not very simple. In fact, for many, talking about yourself can be hard and “tooting your own horn” can be even harder. But with measurable results, the reader is given a comprehensive picture on many things – your work ethics, skills, how you work with others, your ideas, unique abilities, knowledge, and most importantly, the value you can bring to their organization.

When thinking of your job, think about:

  • Which special projects were you assigned to and why?
  • Are you considered an expert? Or referred to by others as the “go to person”
  • Did you implement anything that saved money, time, improved processes, provided efficiencies, or increased communication?
  • How do you work with others? Are you part of a team and a contributing participant? What have you contributed and what was the resulting impact?
  • Did you lead any initiatives? Or lead teams?
  • Are you an idea generator, a problem solver, or solution’s expert? Were they implemented and what were the results?
  • Have you been recognized internally or externally (eg clients, customers) for a job well done, team effort, or results of a specific project?

These are just a sampling of questions and should give you an idea of how to view your experience from the “value added” perspective. It is important to think more about the value you provide and the results you delivered – not that you’re just “doing your job”. Remember, your are a key part of the organization and your efforts contribute to the achievement of organizational goals, so quantify those results and give your resume the punch it needs to get noticed.

Want more Resume and Cover Letter Tips? Watch these helpful videos Hallie has created by clicking here.

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