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I was excited to have recently been featured in this article from, 5 Ways to Dress for Success on a Budget: Here’s an excerpt:

For young professionals, dressing appropriately for work can be just as important as showing up at meetings on time or making project deadlines. With a professional wardrobe, you can help battle negative stereotypes associated with Generations X and Y and show the higher-ups that you’re serious about your career, says Hallie Crawford, a career coach based in Atlanta. “You want to let people know that, despite your age and lack of formal professional experience, you care about your job and take it seriously,” she says.

Check out this video I did on a similar subject from my YouTube Channel.

People’s perception of you can really have an impact on your life and career. Because of this, it is important to always try to make a good impression in the workplace. Your attire can impact other people’s perspective of you, and therefore impact your job success. When you get dressed in the morning think about how people might perceive you. Remember, how you dress is part of your brand. It sends a message about who you are. Be mindful of this and choose carefully when you buy clothes for work.

For further career advice, please contact us for a complimentary consultation today.

Hallie Crawford
Career Advice Coach