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Creating Career Possibilities for Yourself

Last night I held a workshop at the Social Hall at Temple Kol Emeth in Marietta GA. It was a great event! Thank you to everyone who was able to join me. The topic was "Survive the Job Crisis: Creating Career Possibilities for Yourself in 3 Short Steps"

If you weren’t able to make it, you can join me for a free teleclass on Wednesday August 26th at 12 noon ET for this same topic.

Register here:

Find out live the 3 things you need to do right now in order to survive the job crisis. Learn how to handle whatever career transition you are currently facing.

There's no doubt about it – the world can seem like a scary place right now. And for many of us, what is especially unnerving is the way the unemployment rate continues to rise. If you are one of those fearful of losing your job, have recently been laid off, or are searching for your ideal career – this teleclass is a must-attend event.

In this teleclass, I will:

        â€˘ Give you the three critical steps you need to take right now in order to survive the job crisis

        â€˘ Show you how to create possibilities for yourself – despite the tough economy

        â€˘ Show you how survive, and even thrive, during these tough times

Listen to an audio introduction for the teleclass here!

Register here:

Looking forward to having you on the call!

Hallie Crawford
Career Coach & Career Speaker