Check out job postings on Twitter

Some companies post their job openings on Twitter as well as online job boards. Make a list of the top five companies you want to work for. Then search for them on Twitter to see if you can identify what their handle is in order to follow them. This is not only for job postings, but to stay up to speed on company happenings. This way you can take advantage of that knowledge at networking events, in possible job interviews, and upcoming job openings.

For example, if you learn that a non-profit just received a large government grant, they may be hiring. Or that a company is moving its headquarters to your city, again there may be job opportunities there.

Staying on top of this information can’t hurt and might give you a leg up. I hope this information is helpful to you. If you’re interested in further help, contact us today for a complimentary consultation.

Hallie Crawford
Job Search Coach