Check it out: Do you want to enjoy your job? I’m opening up 5 additional client slots. Act now and win a free coaching session!

Do you dread getting out of bed in the morning to go to work?

Is your job no longer rewarding, but you’re not sure what would be better?

Do you feel stuck where you are?

Wouldn’t you rather have a career you are passionate about?

Here’s the good news. You don’t have to settle for less!

You can create your own path to a career you desire … and deserve.

You can close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

You can have a job that is fulfilling, rewarding, and FUN!

Yesterday I was reading an Elle magazine article about 3 people who worked with a coach and the life-changing benefits they received from doing so! (Thanks Elizabeth). It was heartwarming to read about this from the client’s perspective.

I was inspired to help more people enjoy their jobs, so I decided to expand my coaching practice. I am opening up 5 more client spots for individual coaching clients to help you make it happen.

Act now – I predict these slots will fill up quickly!

Plus, everyone who contacts me by the end of this week (2/25) to discuss individual coaching will be entered into a drawing to win a Free coaching session (worth $166).

Let’s work together to find the job that’s perfect for you. We’ll examine your likes and dislikes, your skills, your priorities, and your goals for the future. We’ll uncover the obstacles that have held you back, and I’ll give you the tools to overcome them.

With my help, you’ll gain clarity, confidence, and the power to succeed in the career of your dreams. Contact me today for an introductory meeting to grab one of only 5 client slots available, and to find out if career coaching is right for you. Rock and roll, let’s make it happen – Hallie