Career Survival Tips: Taking Care of Mind, Body and Soul While in Career Transition

1. Keep a career journal.

Devote at least one night per week to writing down your thoughts about your transition, recording milestones in the process, and letting go of emotions by putting pen to paper.

2. Set boundaries.

By setting and maintaining boundaries between your career goals, everyday responsibilities, and leisure pursuits, you will feel more in-control of your life, balanced and at peace with yourself and the process.

3. Exercise your body while you expand your mind.

Taking time out to reduce your stress level by exercising… while focusing on your goals, stumbling blocks or major decisions, will ease your body and mind and help you feel good both mentally and physically.

4. Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative.

The idea is to keep the Negative Nellies and other defeating influences at bay. If there are certain people who seem to react unfavorably when you discuss your plans and dreams, stop sharing with those people.

Career Expert Hallie Crawford