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Career Corner: When Mom goes back to ‘paying’ work

I was honored to
be featured in a recent Tampa Bay Times article about mom’s going back to the work force. Several of my friends have gone
through this situation of a career transition and how to re-enter the workforce, so it’s near and dear to my heart!
Plus, I’ll be undergoing my own transition into balancing motherhood and career
early next year.


In the next few
posts are excerpts from this article… I hope it’s helpful to you.

Problem: You’re afraid the job will take away all your family time.
If you let this happen, it will. If you don’t and make conscious deliberate choices, you can manage your time so you can still have the time you want with your family. It’s up to you.

Solution: 1. Give some thought to what you’re agreeing to before you make your decision.

2. Decide what your boundaries are and stick to them Set firm boundaries — say, on Mondays you must leave the office by 7 p.m. so the fam can watch Dancing with the Stars together. Know your scheduling options, which may include working part-time, flexing your time to work the same hours your kids are in school, telecommuting and job sharing. “Don’t hesitate to ask. The worst they can say is no,” Crawford said.

When my baby arrives, I plan to take four to six weeks maternity leave, then work Mondays through Thursdays while the baby is in day care. I’ll take Fridays off from coaching.

Go here to read the rest of the article.

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other tips, tools and how-to’s for your career search.

Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach