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Career Corner: Networking Tip for Young Professionals

I saw this tip recently from Debbie Rodkin's (the Executive Director of ezine and thought you could benefit from this networking tip and some of the others she had to share.

"When someone offers to make an introduction on your behalf, you may need to gently remind them. Send a brief email stating where you met, the conversation you had, and how they offered to help you. In a new paragraph tell a little about what you can offer their contact. End the note with your FULL name, email address, and telephone number. They will be able to forward your email directly to the contact. Unless they've asked for your resume, or you're emailing a recruiter, I would not attach a resume at this time. Remember to also ask the person how YOU can help him/her! Learn more networking tips…"

Here's to having a career you love!

Hallie Crawford
College Grad Career Coaching