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Career Corner: Negotiating A Job Contract – Tips for handling it well


negotiatingAre you getting ready to negotiate a job contract? Here are some tips for how to handle it well:

  • Prepare in advance: Really think about it. Be specific about what you want, think of everything so you’re prepared for their questions and prepared to counter offer what they offer you if necessary.
  • Define your limits: what’s your ideal salary, benefits package, work situation – and what’s your minimum in these areas. Focus on what you want and picturing your ideal, and at the same time know what your boundaries or limits are so you don’t accept something less than you are willing to or can afford to accept.
  • Think about your budget: what do you need to live on (minimum) each month? Add a buffer of around $500 to that so you’re not feeling desperate about money.
  • Do your homework: what’s the market paying? Look for salary stats online, the association for your industry. is one place to look. You need to know what’s realistic to ask for.
  • Ask for more up front: you can negotiate down but not up. Be realistic but also stretch yourself.
  • Do the negotiating in person. It’s easier to establish rapport and a connection with people this way. They will then see you as a person, a human being, not just a voice on the phone. They’ll be more likely to work with you.

Here’s to having a career you love!
Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach