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Career Corner: Job Interviewing – Ten Tips for Success continued

Tip # 8. Find out who you are interviewing with.

This is embarrassing
but I don’t think I did this in past. I always assumed I’d be interviewing with
my potential boss and that’s it. This could be the case but you never know – so ask!
It will affect how you finding a career you love,
and you’ll know what you need to highlight on your resume for each phase of the
interview process depending on who you’ll be talking to. If you know that
you will be speaking to the head of human resources, keep in mind that you’ll be asked more general questions. In this case, be prepared to talk about your
career history and background as well as
your personality, work style, and unique
qualities. If you have certain items that you’d like addressed, such as day-to-day responsibilities
and what the positions demands of you,
know that these questions are better left for your potential boss or the head of the department where you’ll be working.

Take some time in
advance to think about what a human resources person needs to know about you,
versus a boss or a peer. I also suggest asking if you can speak to a potential
co-worker about your job (link to my home page). The more you can find out about
the company, and the type of people who work there, the

Good luck!

Atlanta Career Coach

For more
interview tips visit my free career articles page.