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Career Corner: Interview Tips from Re:Focus on Careers – Face-to-face Interviews: Prepare for the Interview Part VI

I recently spoke to a great
networking and career search group, Re:Focus on Careers, about creating a kick ass elevator speech. Keep an eye out for all of these free interview tips in my Career Corner posts:

Prepare for the Interview

The best way to ace your next job interview is to prepare for it. This may sound obvious, but it’s not. Too many applicants walk into an interview without knowing as much as they should about the industry, the company and its problems. Remember: You are there to solve a problem. Otherwise, the company wouldn’t be hiring. Follow these steps:

6. Get the big picture. Visualize the entire interview, from start to finish. See yourself as performing with style and confidence. How will the interview end? Will you get a job offer or be called back for a second interview? How much salary do you want? What kind of benefits? The research you did in step 1 will give you an idea of what to expect. Be ready for any eventuality.

Extra Tip from Career Coach Hallie: I can’t say enough about the power of visualization. Professional athletes do it, you can too. Add to your visualization how you want to feel during the interview. Adding emotion to it adds power and energy. It will help you perform that much better.

If you’re interested in having me speak at your next event about finding a career you love, go here: I’d be happy to discuss!

Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach
Career Speaker