Career Corner: Interview Tips from Re:Focus on Careers – Face-to-face Interviews: Prepare for the Interview Part III

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

This week, we continue looking at the interview tips from Re:Focus on Careers (and bonus tips from me). Today we are continuing with the tips for preparing for the interview from Re:Focus on Careers (great
networking and career search group). Stay tuned in the upcoming weeks for more tips!

Prepare for the Interview

The best way to ace your next job interview is to prepare for it. This may sound obvious, but it’s not. Too many applicants walk into an interview without knowing as much as they should about the industry, the company and its problems. Remember: You are there to solve a problem. Otherwise, the company wouldn’t be hiring. Follow these steps:

3. Know your job history. Mentally review your past achievements and be prepared to describe your work experience in detail. Gather letters of reference and samples of your work to present to the interviewer as proof of your past accomplishments. Practice describing your experience in terms of your responsibilities and accomplishments at each job.

Extra Tip from Career Coach Hallie: If you don’t have letters of recommendation with you, that’s ok. But be prepared to provide references and let the person know you have given their contact information. You don’t want a potential employer calling them out of the blue. You will want them to be prepared to answer questions about you.

If you’re interested in having me speak at your next event about finding a career you love, go here: I’d be happy to discuss!

Hallie Crawford
How to find a career
Career Speaker