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Career Corner: How to Make the Most of Your Career Networking Opportunities Part I

Career NetworkingAre you just out of college, or have you been working for a little while but haven't quite found your career niche yet? If so, then you're probably no stranger to the Career Fairs or other networking events that everyone always seems to be talking up.

Are they worth it? Should you keep at it? What should you do at these events to help make a stronger impression? Here are some tips to make the most of these events:

1) Get clear on what you're looking for. What kind of job or opportunity do you want? Keep it short and sweet so you can communicate it easily. Practice that as your "elevator speech" for meeting new potential employers or future colleagues.

2) Tell everyone you're looking. This includes friends, family, fellow students
– even professors. You never know who might know someone in the field
you're interested in. Keep your resume updated and your business card
handy if you have one, so that when an opportunity arises you can
easily pass this information along.

Stay tuned on Thursday for 3 more tips on how to make the most of your career networking opportunities.

Here's to finding a career you love,

Hallie Crawford
Career Coaching