Career Corner – How to create an unforgettable impression with a can’t miss elevator speech – Part II

About a month ago I spoke at The Georgia State
Alumni Association, RE: Focus On Careers Speed Networking &
Business Card Exchange Event. My topic was: "You had me at Hello!
Create an unforgettable impression with a can’t miss elevator speech."

I wanted to share this with you because this
topic is great for those of you looking to create a fabulous elevator
speech for your next career networking event! This is Part II – to read Part I click here. Stay tuned tomorrow for Part III.

Part II: How to write an elevator speech

The most important thing to consider when writing your elevator speech is who do you want to target this to? Who do you consider your target audience.

You need to be clear on who you want to target this specifically for. If you are too broad in your audience, it will not be successful with anyone. You have to have a specific audience.

After you have identified who you want to target, write down deliverables and the benefits your customers will get from your services. Be careful to use benefits, not features.

Create an opening sentence that grabs attention. Come up with a few ideas and ask friends and family for their input. Ask them to rank them in the order of what is most attention grabbing. Then narrow it down to one.

You don’t have to include your title. Remember this is a short speech – keep it brief, concise and attention grabbing.

Lastly, provide a call to action at the end. Don’t leave them hanging at the end. Point them in the direction you want them to go.

Stay tuned Part III tomorrow!

Hallie Crawford
Career Transition Coach