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Career Corner: How do you know when it’s time to go?

How do you know when it’s time to go?

We all have our ups and downs at work. Some weeks, we’re super-productive; other weeks — not so much. So how do you know when you’ve crossed into the realm of “It’s time to update my resume and begin the official career search”?

For me, I knew it was time to go when I found myself crying in the bathroom at work. Yes this is a little embarrassing to admit, but it’s true. And I’ve spoken to many people who have done the same thing. (I even tried shopping therapy to see if a new suit would boost my feelings about my job. It didn’t work.)

Here are some signs that it’s time to make a change:

  • You dread getting out of bed in the morning – every morning.
  • Your work relationships and performance are beginning to suffer. You’ve started to avoid certain people and tasks.
  • You’re not doing your job as well as you used to.
  • You become “someone else” at work. You feel like you can’t be yourself at the office.
  • The position doesn’t make use of your talents.
  • You spend most of your time engaged in complaining about your job.

If any of these situations describe you, you’re a perfect candidate for the Career Seekers Teleclass because we discuss each of these issues.

Find the career that fits! Join us in the next Career Seekers Teleclass that begins on June 5th. Click here to learn more and register.